Czech National Node to the European Infrastructure for Translational Medicine
The main goal of the EATRIS-ERIC-CZ research infrastructure is to further develop, maintain and operate a unique infrastructure / platform at the interface of chemistry, translational medicine and biomedicine at prestigious research centers to bring together scientists of life sciences. EATRIS-ERIC-CZ is a national reflection of EATRIS-ERIC activities in Europe. This activity is based on the collaboration of existing institutions and scientists, creates an extremely interactive research platform and a unique combination of basic, applied and clinical research, and creates an ideal environment for carrying out translational research and services at the interface of chemistry, biology and medicine. Research and educational activities will mainly focus on the application of chemical approaches to important human health issues, from infectious diseases, inflammation, cancer, neurodegeneration and chemoprevention, where the research teams involved have long-term experience and have contributed significantly to the research findings. The network will address the understanding of molecular details of biological processes in normal and functionally affected cells and tissues using a variety of chemical approaches and training young scientists and students in multidisciplinary research in this field.