Kalousová Barbora M.Sc.

Doctoral training
Genetic biomarkers of tumors and aging
Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP) is a recently defined age-related condition characterized by the accumulation of somatic mutations in hematopoietic cells. Although this condition lacks distinctive morphological features of hematological neoplasia, it is a premalignant state associated with increased overall mortality and higher risk for cardiovascular disease. Our primary research objective is to explore potential connections between CHIP, aging, and ischemic stroke. We will employ various techniques, such as FACS, MACS, and massively parallel sequencing, enabling the sensitive detection of mutations in immune cells from blood and atherosclerotic plaque samples of stroke patients.
Master training
Optimization of somatic mutation diagnostics in selected tumors with help of massive parallel sequencing
About me
I am a Ph.D. candidate and researcher at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacký University Olomouc. In 2019, I completed my Master's in Molecular and cell biology at the Faculty of Science, UPOL. My first practical experience in the field of DNA analysis began with my Master's thesis, where I dealt with optimizing high-throughput sequencing methods for tumor diagnostics. Currently, my research is focused on the analysis of somatic mutations in the context of stroke and atherosclerosis.