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Modernization of the National Chemical Biology Infrastructure 2024

Project acronym: Openscreen Inv
Project title: Modernization of the National Chemical Biology Infrastructure 2024
Project registration number: CZ.02.01.01/00/23_015/0008203
State funding provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Programme: Programme Johannes Amos Comenius (P JAC)
Start date: 2024-01-01
End date: 2026-12-31
Principal investigator: Džubák Petr M.D., Ph.D.

The project "Modernization of the National Infrastructure of Chemical Biology 2024" aims to modernize and upgrade technological equipment and strengthening the development of basic and applied research and development in the area of chemical biology and genetics within the National Infrastructure of Chemical Biology (CZ‐OPENSCREEN). The content of the project will be the construction and instrumentation of BSL-3 and microbiology laboratories, which will enable research and the search for new antiviral and antibacterial drugs, as well as modernization and expansion of the storage capacity of the National Chemical Library, restoration and modernization of key facilities for testing the biological activity of small molecules, multimodal readers, devices for acoustic contactless transfer of liquids, NMR spectrometer, polarimeter and purification and separation equipment for organic synthesis and medicinal chemical optimization of compounds and acquisition of powerful computer cluster for advanced computational operations in the field of chemical biology. Thanks to that, it will 

The national infrastructure of chemical biology is able to continue to provide qualitatively and quantitatively better conditions for research activities of CZ‐OPENSCREEN infrastructure users in the form of Open Access. Quality project management will guarantee the fulfillment of all project goals. Realization of the project clearly contribute to further increase the international quality of research and its results and strengthening competitiveness of infrastructure not only in the Czech Republic, but also within the European Research Area (ERA) through involvement in the pan‐European infrastructure EU‐OPENSCREEN ERIC. A research objective project is the identification of new molecular tools for further research and compounds suitable for development of new drugs in the field of serious human diseases (tumor, neurodegenerative and infectious disease). 

The project will also enable effective cooperation with the commercial sector, including innovative companies in the field of drug development and biotechnology in the form of joint projects, or in the form of a contract research. The strategic focus of the project is fully in line with the domain of research and innovation specialization National innovation platforms (Health care, advanced medicine) and strategic R&D theme in application sectors National Research and Innovation Strategy of the Czech Republic 2021-2027 (National RIS3 strategy).